Die Suche ergab 12 Treffer

von fulgur
Do 24.04.2003 - 12:43
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @ Roy & @ all
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 6208

Greetings and salutations!

Could someone give me (in English, please :) ) a brief summary on the current state of the following projects:

- Fate2
- Second Dawn
- Fate 3D

Thanks in advance!
von fulgur
Do 22.08.2002 - 21:20
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @ Roy & @ all
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 6208

So, Roy, when is "next time"? :look:

von fulgur
Sa 20.04.2002 - 20:03
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @ Roy & @ all
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 6208

Hey Roy, what`s up?

I haven`t seen any updates for a long time! Is the project still in progress? Please drop me a mail!

Take care.

von fulgur
Sa 16.02.2002 - 01:05
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: Status on Fate 2/Fate 3d
Antworten: 100
Zugriffe: 56727

We are counting on you, Roy!

von fulgur
Sa 19.01.2002 - 20:34
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: Fate 3D-Hungarian
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4871

Of course!:D

I will send you the new, translated texts tomorrow (I hope at least...)
von fulgur
Di 20.11.2001 - 12:01
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: Fate 3D-Hungarian
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4871

Szia sepruecom!

Asszem elég szerénytelen voltam!:look:

Igazából csak az Indexen (www.index.hu/forum) ismerek Fate topikot, a Gamez forumon belül. Ott próbálunk beírni minden újabb információt, ami a játékkal kapcsolatban felbukkan.


von fulgur
Fr 16.11.2001 - 12:19
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: Fate 3D-Hungarian
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4871

Hell, that`s COOL! :roll:

I will spread the news through the Hungarian forum-scene! :rotate:

Let`s see what will be next! :D
von fulgur
Fr 16.11.2001 - 12:16
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: Fate 3D-Hungarian
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 4871

Hell, that`s COOL!!!:roll:

I will spread the news through the Hungarian forum-scene!:rotate:
von fulgur
Mi 31.10.2001 - 17:31
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @fulgur
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 6294

Hi Dervis! Hi Roy! Roy, I hope you won`t be upset about the Hungarian words...:D He is just another Hungarian Fate fan. He understands German, so he is going to translate texts from some Fate-related topics. Have you received my mail with the translation? [ Dieser Beitrag wurde von fulgur am 31.10.2...
von fulgur
Di 30.10.2001 - 10:58
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @fulgur
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 6294

I will translate the text tomorrow (31/10/01).

If you need any other material in Hungarian, send me a mail!:rotate:

von fulgur
Mi 24.10.2001 - 20:46
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @fulgur
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 6294

Well, we can arrange this, if you have time for it!
von fulgur
Di 23.10.2001 - 22:44
Forum: Biing!2 und Anderes
Thema: @fulgur
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 6294

Hi Roy! Thank you for this thread, that`s really kind of you!
Actually, I am Hungarian, so if you want to be MUCH MORE kind, you`ll translate your page into Hungarian. !:)
(Just kidding, English is perfect! I))

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