Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer

von Salamandre
Sa 14.03.2009 - 16:39
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Salamandres Map Zeit der Prophezeiung
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 55731

The first version of Empire of the World III asked the player to backup his emerald tower original script, but I removed that setup for later versions, as the map has not anymore an emerald tower into it (too easy). So no need anymore to do all those modifications. Big hug to Koni for his awesome ef...
von Salamandre
Mo 09.02.2009 - 01:18
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Neue Scripte
Antworten: 21
Zugriffe: 8563

Siegfried, Here is my humble opinion about your ideas: It is always enthralling when someone comes with fresh ideas and the skill to script them, so here I applause. Now, about them: You certainly know that this requires a very high coding level and an impressive amount of work. Will you spend weeks...
von Salamandre
Sa 07.02.2009 - 21:48
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Map Alexander der Grosse
Antworten: 37
Zugriffe: 14740

Sorry for writing in english, my bad. There is one thing you must have in mind in every battle: Don't be afraid to see your army being decimate at an awful rate, if you manage to blind the last creature you can ressurect all after. Phalanx will die almost on the first turn of each battle so don't be...
von Salamandre
Do 05.02.2009 - 23:17
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Map Alexander der Grosse
Antworten: 37
Zugriffe: 14740

Umm...thats what I call easter eggs :P
von Salamandre
Di 03.02.2009 - 16:38
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Kreaturen verändern
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 6232

Re: Creatures editing

How to use it? It is easy: open it, then choose the creature you want to edit. Now open all the options, check/uncheck what you like/dislike, change stats ( a lot of clicking I know) then save and click on "MAKE". It will create a script on the right side. Copy the script and paste it in ...
von Salamandre
Di 03.02.2009 - 00:18
Forum: Heroes 3 WoG
Thema: Kreaturen verändern
Antworten: 17
Zugriffe: 6232

Creatures editing

The ultimate tool for editing creatures:


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