MM 7: Durchgespielt mit einer Level 1 Party.

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Moderatoren: Thies, mara

Beiträge: 4889
Registriert: Fr 13.07.2001 - 12:07
Wohnort: Bremen Fate2.exe-12.03.2007

Beitrag von Xajorkith »

Tut mir Leid das ich das erst jetzt sehe. Und das nur weil ich ein ganz alten Betrag gefunden habe und das hier hinzuposten wollte. (Siehe Folgepost :D )
Ähem, ich schaue in dieses Forum eigentllich nicht mehr rein. Darum ist es besser mich anderseitigt eine Info zukommen zu lassen. :D

Hier aber erstmal der neue Link:

Auf dem mm-world Server läuft das doch alles sehr viel schneller. :))
Zitadelle Asgard / Fangrorn
Beiträge: 4889
Registriert: Fr 13.07.2001 - 12:07
Wohnort: Bremen Fate2.exe-12.03.2007

Beitrag von Xajorkith »

Hier nun der sehr alte Beitrag aus dem früheren Forum. :D
Was man auf alten PC’s alles so findet. :))

Schönen Gruß an Mausi und Yonder :winken:

Might and Magic 7 Diskussionsforum

Nachrichtenthema: Rallyereporter: Analyse und Nachsatz geschrieben von: mausi am Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 1999, um 16:40 Uhr


Wie bereits erwähnt, war meine Motivation für diese Kurzreihe eine mehrfache:

-Ich wollte ein Gefühl zu bekommen, welche Minimalzeit in einer Hetzpartie (die deutsche Sprache ist herrlich doppelsinnig) möglich sein könnte. Eine Ritterparty ist ja schon so gewöhnlich.

-Ich wollte sehen, ob eine Level 1 Party soweit kommen kann (für Frosch: *handunterkinnladeundraufklappzumlächeln*). Übrigens die Arenakämpfe im Meisterrang sind mit einer Level1 Party lächerlich (es kommen ein paar Monsterratten und Drachenfliegen).

-Und last but not least ging es mir auch darum ein bißchen Aufheiterung und Spannung in Euer tristes Leben zu bringen und mir die Motivation für die Übersetzung des Logbuches zu geben. Alexander Kirillin schreibt es in Stenoform und das zu lesen und übersetzen ist halt für den Ersten sehr mühsam und fade.

Die Originalübersetzung, sowie das Originallogbuch ist über aufrufbar. Nochmal herzlichen Dank an Alexander Kirillin und GM JOhn für die überlassenen Zeilen und regen Diskussionen. Und natürlich an Yonder den besonderen Dank für die Veröffentlichung und die redaktionellen Tätigkeiten. Sobald er es veröffentlicht, wird er sicher ein Posting hier machen

Was sind nun die Erkenntnisse daraus: Kurzum eine Finalisierung in 123 Tagen (eigentlich wäre es sogar in 122 möglich, doch davon später) erscheint auch mir nach meinen Experimenten möglich (allerdings nur mit Multilooting); ohne Multilooting dauert es sicher länger (Daß Alex dies nur mit fünf Tagen geschafft hat, beweist seine flinken Fähigkeiten). Auch ist diese Fabelzeit von den Spruchrollen Leuchtfeuer abhängig. Es ist zwar unglaublich hektisch, aber es könnte funktionieren. Die Begründung ist, daß das Spiel in drei Phasen einteilbar ist:

1. Phase: Zeit von Beginn des Spieles bis zur Renovierung des Schlosses 2. Phase: Wartezeit bis das Lebenslicht des Richters ausgeht 3. Phase: Wegentscheidung und Finalisierung

In der ersten Phase ist die Smaragdinsel, Harmondale, Tal der Hügelgräber, Bracadawüste, noch mal Tal der Hügelgräber und Harmondale anzusteuern. Dies kann in exakt 10 Tagen erledigt werden (Smaraginsel zu Harmondale in 7 Tagen, Harmondale zu Steinstadt in 2 Tagen (hier könnte nochmal ein Tag eingespart werden) und Steinstadt zu Bracadawüste in 1 Tag und retour mit Leuchtfeuer bzw. Tormeister). Für die Rückreise mit Leuchtfeuer benötigt man bereits das Ausbeuten des Drachengebeins, denn zufällig eine Spruchrolle Leuchtfeuer irgendwo zu Beginn des Spieles zu finden erachte ich als “sehr glücklich”.

In der zweiten Phase (den 4 Monaten Wartezeit) sind die notwendigen Fragen zu erledigen und bereits Vorarbeiten für die 3. Phase (zum Beispiel Xenofex in Kolonie Zod) zu erledigen.

In der dritten Phase (erst jetzt könnte man irgendwelche Großmeister; vielleicht Stab oder Erdmagie; ausbilden) ist dann die Entscheidung und die Finalisierung anzugehen. Hier kommen als einziger entscheidender Zeitfaktor die Spruchrollen zum Einsatz; nämlich dann wenn in der zweiten Phase diese vorbereitend bereits gesetzt wurden. Hier rechne ich mit dem Verbrauchen eines weiteren Tages für die Lösungen der Aufgabe, da ja erst jetzt der Lincoln angesteuert werden kann. Hat man keine Spruchrollen, so sind meiner Meinung nach noch mindestens 3 Tage auf der lichten Seite notwendig (1 Tag nach Bracada für den neuen Richter und zurück, 1 Tag nach Bracada und Celeste, 1 Tag nach Deyja und die Grube).

Theoretisches Minimum ist daher das Spiel in 123 Tagen (die vier Monate + 7 Tage Smaragdinsel + 2 Tage Steinstadt + 1 Tag Bracadawüste + 1 Tag Lincoln) zu beenden.


Nachsatz: Wenn in der ersten Phase zwei NPC´s gefunden werden, können diese die Reisezeit nach Tal der Hügelgräber auf einen Tag reduzieren, dann wären sogar 122 Tage möglich. Dies ist jedoch in sehr, sehr, sehr vielen Reloads, mit anschließendem Abklappern aller NPC´s, bei mir nicht passiert und ich glaube, daß es programmtechnisch ausgeschlossen wurde.

Übrigens: eine neue Herausforderung wäre eine Mönchparty, die ohne Waffen auskommen muß. Als weitere Erschwerung könnte man auch noch das Training untersagen. Doch ist sie das wirklich oder ist die Herausforderung nicht immer wieder mit einer fantastischen Party-Kombination neues zu entdecken?

Zitadelle Asgard / Fangrorn
Beiträge: 4889
Registriert: Fr 13.07.2001 - 12:07
Wohnort: Bremen Fate2.exe-12.03.2007

Beitrag von Xajorkith »

Weil es gerade so schön ist. :D
von Alexander Kirillin

Alexander "Carl Superior" Kirillin<Picture>Might the level 9 HeroAnd the level 9 SpyMagic the level 9 SorcererVII the level 9 HeroScore: 88178Time: 4 months and 16 days

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-Introduction - This Travel Log is the trial for optimizing adventures in world of Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor by the criterion of "time minimizing", because there is no any other good criterions to value the final results. This result wasn`t be available without my discussions with Alexander "Alex D. Spill" Kunitsin and Travel Log of his adventures.

-List of used NPC`s (None Player Character):

1. Explorer - All travel times reduced by 1 day (min. 1 day);
2. Gate Master - Casts "Town Portal" spell 1 time per day;
3. Guide - All travel times by foot 1 day faster (min. 1 day);
4. Horseman - All travel times by horses 1 day faster (min. 1 day);
5. Instructor - +15% on killed monsters, experience;
6. Pathfinder - All travel times by foot 3 days faster (min. 1 day);
7. Scholar - Unlimited Identification, +5% on killed monsters, experience;
8. Teacher - +10% on killed monsters, experience ;
9. Tracker - All travel times by foot 2 days faster (min. 1 day).

-List of used abbreviations:

RT - Real-Time Mode;
TB - Turn-Based Mode;
TP - "Town Portal" spell;
LB - "Lloyd`s Beacon" spell;
SP - Skill Points.

-Characters Generation - Main 7 Statistics from Might to Luck and 2 addtional skills:

Paladin (Goblin, Male) - Statistics: 30,5,7,11,11,30,7 + Sword, Armsmaster;
Thief (Goblin, Female) - Statistics: 30,5,5,11,11,30,7 + Sword, Disarm Trap;
Sorcerer (Elf, Female) - Statistics: 7,30,9,8,16,9,13 + Air Magic, Leather;
Paladin (Goblin, Male) - Statistics: 30,5,7,11,11,30,7 + Sword, Armsmaster.

-January 1 (Monday) - 9:00am, party appeared on Emerald Island. Read books - "Feather Fall" and "Fire Bolt" for sorcerer, "Bless" for paladins, gave all items in inventory to the characters, except rings. Took the fire on the shore (+2 Food), ran in town. Near the well TB, (+50 Fire Resistance to everybody), turned to the Markham`s House, RT (in all similar situations will be this switching from RT to TB-mode and back to RT). Ran with jumps by the shore (all travels on the map is "running with the jumps" - circling press of "X" key, this is more faster), to the Pedestal of Fire Resistance (+20 Fire Resistance to everybody), to the Pedestal Day of the Gods (+35 to all Statistics to everybody), to the Contest - Game of Endurance (+3 skill points to everybody), assigned SP (Sword 2 to paladins and thief). Casted Wizard Eye and Torch Light (they will be cast everytime, when the party will enter the dungeons), entered Temple of the Moon. Cleaned all, except swordsmans - began from the chest in the wall on right side, then into the Temple for the Wealthy Hat and Floor Tile, then left and right branches. Took all that find. In 10:32 exited from The Temple of the Moon, to The Dragon`s Lair. Entered in TB, took items while the dragon was busy with the rats, after that ran away. Exited, to the town, fell near the healer tent, healed. Ran to the back of the island and fell near the chest, took items in the chest. To the shed behind the dragonflies, entered, took all items in the chests (in TB of course), exited from the shed, killed some dragonflies, RT, ran to the town. Identified items in the Item shop (the best - Wand of Fire with 41 charges), then - well (+2 Luck permanent to everybody), Alchemy shop - bought some potions and Alchemy skill to the sorcerer, assigned sorcerer`s SP (Alchemy 2), took Alacorn Wand of Fireball from Malwick (31 charges), gave it to sorcerer, opened the chest on the shore, bought membership in 4 magic guilds (Spirit, Body, Fire, Air), bought Bow and Shield skills in Armor and Weapon shops for paladins and thief, sold all useless items, took by the Sorcerer 1000 gold from the well (this is available when party gold is below 200 and permanent Luck of the taking character more than 14). Came close to Ailyssa the Bard (seller of musical instrument), tried to steal Lute by thief, failed. So - killed Ailyssa, took the Lute from her corpse, to the Markham`s House - gave up all 6 quests of Scavenger Hunt, took/gave up quest on missing contestants. As the result - 2112 gold, 3 helms, paladins and thief with the shields and bows, Plate from the Dragon`s Lair in inventory, in 11:42am cast off to Harmondale.

-January 8 (Monday) - 11:42am, appeared near the castle in Harmondale. Turned, ran into the town, found Tracker and Guide near the temple, hired them. Took the quest on Lantern of Light in the Temple. In Alchemy shop bought all red reagents, empty bottles and potions. Took 3 horseshoes, all them to the sorcerer, assigned SP (Alchemy 4), took quest on Arcomage cards. Bought Chain skill to the thief in Armor shop and a simple Chain Mail. To the well (+2 Accuracy permanent to everybody), entered Town Hall - payed fines: 400 gold, to the castle, took quest for cleaning Castle Harmondale, entered. With the using of both fire wands (left 14 charges in Malwick`s wand, 28 in Wand of Fire) killed all monsters. Drank from all the barrels, took all that find, left 2 chests near the throne room for the better times. Exited to town, bought the book of "Fire Aura" to the sorcerer. Sold all useless items, gave up the quest for the Castle in tavern, took the quest for Davrik`s Signet Ring. In the village bought membership in other three magic guilds (Water, Mind, Earth), took quest for the Monk`s Promotion to Inititate. In 2:25pm with 807 gold left Harmondale and started travel to The Barrow Downs.

-January 10 (Wednesday) - 2:25pm, The Barrow Downs. Casted Fire Aura on Bows, used scroll Wizard Eye, picked up some gold and reagents, shot ghosts a little. To the Stone City. Right near the Central fountain found Pathfinder, dismissed Guide. Bought skill Plate in Armor Shop to both paladins, gave the Plate from the Emerald Island to the first paladin. Bought a some red reagents and empty bottles in the shop (23 gold left), took the quest for the Rescue Dwarves, exited Stone City, fell from the hill and ran to the west. In 4:11pm went to The Bracada Desert.

-January 11 (Thursday) - 4:11pm, The Bracada Desert. Went to the stables, took 3 horseshoes and 200 gold from the well. Horseshoes to Sorcerer, assigned SP (Alchemy 5). Teleported in the center, Pedestal of Shiled, teleported to the School of Sorcery - well (+25 Intellect and Personality temporary to everybody), entered in - took the quest for Sorcerer`s Promotion to Wizard. Exited, fell down, took some gold (until become 500 gold), made Sorcerer an Expert in Alchemy. Casted Fire Aura on Bows and Swords, ran between griffins to the Red Dwarf Mines. With the using of both fire wands cleaned the room near the exit, after that reanimate all 7 dwarves without any troubles (found nearly 7000 gold and a rather little white potions). Exited to The Bracada Desert and in 8:40pm went back to The Barrow Downs.

-January 12-13 (Friday-Saturday) - 8:40pm, The Barrow Downs. To the well (+25 Fire Resistance temporary to everybody) and by the bridge ran to Stone City. In 9:14pm entered Stone City. Drank from all the barrels, found even 3 Pathfinder`s, but no Gate Master. Took the Troglodyte Slayer quest. Went down, killed all troglodytes (sometimes went back in the town for healing), touched the obelisk, in 1:48am entered Nighon Tunnels. Looked to the fight beetwenn Dwarves, Warlocks and Gogs, took some gold, tried to kill some gogs by myself, but caught a fireball from warlock in a back (sorcerer and second paladin - dead), so went back to Stone City. Near the Temple of Stone found Gate Master, dismissed Tracker, went to the throne room - 3:00am, gave up the quest on Dwarves Rescue, TP to Harmondale, spoke with the ambassadors, and in 3:04am exited to Harmondale. Clocks to the Judge`s death has been started - 4 months to clean all monsters and complete all available and unavailable quests. Ran to White Cliff Cave, killed some troglodytes and oozes, took the Arcomage Deck of cards. Returned to the town, win a game of Arcomage in the tavern (600 gold), gave up quest on Arcomage Deck, dismissed Pathfinder, hired Scholar, identified items (in the Red Dwarf Mines found the scroll of Invisibility). Sold all useless, bought gauntlets for those who had not them. Bought Dagger, Water Magic and Earth Magic skills for sorcerer, books of "Slow" and "Awaken". Bought Body Magic skill and two books of "Heal" to the paladins. Bought Body Building skill for paladins and thief, and Armsmaster skill to thief. Until evening - shot goblins, picked reagents and items (sometimes returned to the town for healing), fired Signal Fire Pits, touched the obelisk, bought Meditation skill to paladins and sorcerer, bought Perception skill to everybody, opened 2 chests near the throne room in the castle, killed Hairbaugh near the tavern. In 3:52pm began training to level 2.

-January 21 (Sunday) - 9:00am, Harmondale. Bought reagents and potions in Alchemy shop, assigned SP (Sword 3 to paladins, Disarm Trap 3 to thief, Air Magic 3 to sorcerer), changed Scholar to Horseman, until evening killed all goblins and picked up all visible reagents, after that began training to level 3.

-February 1 (Monday) - 9:00am, Harmondale. Assigned SP (Body Magic 2 and Sword 4 to paladins, Disarm Trap 4 to thief, Air Magic 4 and Water Magic 2 to sorcerer). Bought some items in the shops, ran to south-west, killed all goblins attracted here by Fire Pits, took Grognard`s Cutlass from the corpse of Goblin Lord, in 11:42am rided to Erathia.

-February 2 (Tuesday) - 11:42am, Erathia. 3 horseshoes to the sorcerer, assigned SP (Water Magic 3). Bought Plate Armor to the second paladin, drank from the well (+20 Body Resistance temporary to everybody), changed ore to Armor (nothing interesting), bought all bottles and reagents in Alchemy shop, made Paladins an Experts in Sword, to the Castle Gryphonheart. Visited Catherine - took quest on Loren Steel (Prisoner of War), used scroll of invisibility - took both pictures, drank from barrels, picked up items, exited. Fell down, Pedestal Day of the Gods (+35 to all Statistics to everybody), healed in temple, took quests for Knight`s promotion to Cavalier and Paladin`s promotion to Crusader, win an Arcomage game in tavern (1200 gold), took quest on Arcomage Champion and letter from Trush to Markham, drank from the well (+2 Might permanent to everybody), drank from the central fountain (+50 Might temporary to everybody), to the Pedestal of Heroism, then to the Fort Riverstride, entered. Took the plans from the secret section, drank from all barrels (left chests for better times), exited from the lower exit, to the altar (+10 Luck permanent to everybody), headed to the contest. Contest of Personality. Not good, because another Contest of Personality is in Harmondale. Only both paladins had the needed value (statistic must be 50 or higher), (+5 SP to paladins, assigned SP - Body Magic 4). TP to Harmondale, identified items - (scroll Day of the Gods from Catherine`s Castle). Sold useless, 2:51pm - rided to the Tularean Forest.

-February 3-4 (Wednesday-Thursday) - 2:51pm, The Tularean Forest. Picked up 3 horseshoes. As always, gave them to socrerer (assigned SP - Water Magic 4, Air Magic 5). Bought Bow skill to sorcerer, took quests - Druid`s promotion to Great Druid, Ranger`s promotion to Hunter, place 3 statues on shrines, deliver the letter to Faerie King in Avlee. Nothing good in shops. Made thief an Expert in Disarm Trap, sorcerer an Expert in Air and Water Magics, bought books of "Jump" and "Water Walk" to sorcerer. Headed to Elf King - took/gave up quest on Fort Riverstride`s plans, took fake Loren Steel. Exited from the castle - win a game of Arcomage (1200 gold), drank from the central fountain (+50 Earth Resistance temporary to everybody), Pedestal of Shield, Altar (+10 Fire, Air and Water Resistance permanent to everybody), In 1:44am The Tularean Forest`s territory was cleaned - all reagents and items was picked up, all trees was killed. TP to Erathia. Touched all pedestals and wells, entered Erathian Sewers. Took the quest for Thief`s promotion to Rogue, killed a little thiefs and rats, exited, to the Catherine`s throne room. In 6:00am gave up fake Loren Steel, exited, withdraw 5000 gold from bank, identified items, changed ore on items (pair of better gauntlets, Alacorn Wand of Acid 27 charges, scroll of Raise Dead). 6:32am - rided to Deyja with 24000 gold in a pockets.

-February 5-6 (Friday-Saturday) - 6:32am, Deyja. 3 horseshoes to Sorcerer (assigned SP - Air Magic 6), Pedestal of Heroism, Altar (+10 Earth, Mind and Body Resistance permanent to everybody), well (+2 Intellect permanent to everybody), win an Arcomage game (1400 gold), started the next cleaning of territory. 9:42pm, Deyja and The Hall of the Pit completely cleaned. Took a quest for Cleric`s promotion to Priest, touched an obelisk, find both golem legs, bought a gauntlets (+10 to Disarm skill) in an Item shop. TP to Erathia. Killed all bad bandits and griffins, touched an obelisk, +5 SP to thief from the Contest of Personality (assigned to Sword 4), made thief an Expert in Sword, picked up Davrick`s Signet Ring in The Bandit Caves. 6:00am, sold all useless items, repaired, changed all ore on items (nothing special). In 6:18am started a ride to The Bracada Desert.

-February 7 (Sunday) - 6:18am, The Bracada Desert. Another "cleaning". Killed all griffins, used scroll of Fly (from the chest with the Abbey Normal golem head), picked up all lied items (ore, reagents, gold, genie lamps) and opened all chests, took both golem heads, bought several White Potions in Alchemy shop, Wand of Shrapmetal (18 charges) and 2 helms in Item shop, dismissed Horseman, hired second Gate Master. 2:31pm, TP to Erathia. Dismissed used Gate Master, hired Horseman. To the Pedestal Day of the Gods, to the Contest of Personality - at last +5 SP to sorcerer. Changed ore to items (best items, produced - Amulet +15 to Alchemy skill, Alacorn Wand of Blades 30 charges, scroll of Prismatic Light). TP to Harmondale, placed some reagents and genie lamps in chests, exited to the town, took 2 horseshoes from the chest on the top of stables, gave them to sorcerer (assigned SP - Air Magic 7), gave up quest for Davrik`s Signet Ring, bought Merchant and Learning skills to everybody, began training to level 4.

-February 15 (Monday) - 9:00am, Harmondale. Assigned SP (Body Building 3 to paladins and thief, Alchemy 6 to Sorcerer). Bought reagents and potions in Alchemy shop, TP to The Tularean Forest, another purchase in Alchemy shop, in 9:12am rided to Avlee.

-February 16 (Tuesday) - 9:12am, Avlee. 3 horseshoes to sorcerer (assigned SP in Alchemy 7). Win an Arcomage game (2000 gold), drank from the well (+2 Endurance permanent to everybody), picked up fires (+2 Food and ring from each), bought the better bow in Weapons shop, drank from another well (+20 Water Resistance temporary to everybody), Pedestal of Water Resistance (+20 Water Resistance again), took a quest for Archer`s Promotion to Warrior Mage, headed to The Hall under the Hill. Talked with the Faerie King - recieve Honorary Hunter rank, gave up a letter, took a Pipes. Went down into the dungeon, killed all dragomflyes, pikcked up all items, exited. To the island with golem`s arm (first paladin and thief - dead), returned to the town, healed. Until the 6:00pm was killing Wyverns. Returned back to the town, began to train to level 5.

-February 24 (Wednesday) - 9:00am, Avlee. Assigned SP (Body Building 4 to paladins and thief, Water Magic 5 to sorcerer). Killed all wyverns on the field, touched the stonehenge, ran to Titans` Stronghold (nevermind to shooting elementals), entered. Made "Bless" and "Preservation" potions to everybody, hardened armor clothes on everybody. The first chest near the door almost killed the party (all except thief - unconscious). Healed with red potions and with the paladins` Heal (chest contained Mage Dagger and 8000 gold). Killed one of the dragons in central room (used 2 wands of blades), picked up gold and bow. Back to the town. Identified items (the best bow in the game - Griffin Bow of Carnage). Began training to level 6.

-March 4-5 (Thursday-Friday) - 9:00am, Avlee. Assigned SP (Plate 3 to paladins, Chain 3 to thief). Back to titans. Killed the second and the last dragon into the central room. Began to shoot titans from the long distance (place the figure of a monster nearly the center of the screen and begin to shoot, they`ll die without even seeing you, works only in RT). Until the morning of next day with the help of Bow of Carnage killed nearly 20 titans. 6:44am TP to Erathia. Identified items (the best - Noble Plate Armor +22 Luck, three Alacorn Wand of Blades, books of "Town Portal" and "Ice Blast", scroll of "Fly"), sold all useless. Nearly 50000 gold - bought Identify Item skill to thief and sorcerer. 7:01am, rided to Tatalia.

-March 6 (Saturday) - 7:01am, Tatalia. 3 last horseshoes to sorcerer (Water Magic 6). Bought Mind Magic skill to paladins, win an Arcomage game in a tavern (1400 gold), Pedestal of Stone Skin, casted Water Walk and headed to the island. Opened a chest with the golem`s hand, bought two better shields in armor shop, used scroll Day of the Gods, entered The Tidewater Caverns. Killed all monsters on the way, took Map to Evenmorn Island from the secret room, exited, used scroll of "Fly", returned in town, Pedestal of Heroism, healed, headed to the Contest. contest of Speed (+5 SP to everybody, assigned - Plate 4 to paladins, Chain 4 to thief, Water Magic 7 and Leater 2 to sorcerer). Made paladins an Experts in Plate in the second town, bought a better sword in Weapons shop, drank from the well (+20 Armor Class to everybody), headed to Wormthrax`s cave, entered. Shot the dragon from a long distance - so, both Paladins recieved their first promotion to Crusaders. Dragon gave a Royal Leather Armor (+8 to Armsmaster skill), picked up items and gold, exited, headed to the main town, healed, made thief an Expert in Chain, drank from the well (+2 Speed permanent to everybody), entered Lord Markham`s Manor. Gave up Trush`s letter, recieved a feather, decide to stole the vase. Enemies - 2 Masters of the Sword, Champion of the Sword, 3 Initiates of the Sword and 2 Swordsmans. Occupied position near the door. To the end of the 4th battle round both Masters and 1 Swordsman died by the 12 shots from the Wand of Shrapmetal (wand was transfer to the next character, after each shot), but only thief left alive. Exited to town, healed in the temple, returned back. Killed all other with the Wands of Blades. Took vase, opened chests, in 1:22pm TP to Erathia. Dismissed Gate Master, hired Pathfinder, to the Master Thief into the Sewers - so Thief became a Rogue. Exited, made both paladins Experts in Body Magic, returned the feather to Norbert Thrush, identified items from Tatalia (Splendid Plate Armor +24 Fire Resistance, book of Fly, scroll of Fly, scroll of Protection from Magic, scroll of Resurrection), bought some magic books. 2:49pm, rided to The Bracada Desert.

-March 7 (Sunday) - 2:49pm, The Bracada Desert. Dismissed Horseman, hired Guide, win an Arcomage game (1400 gold), bought Master rank books of Water Magic in the guild and Water Magic skill to thief, Made paladins and thief Experts in Body Building. 3:26pm went to The Barrow Downs.

-March 8 (Monday) - 3:26pm, The Barrow Downs. Ran to the chest with the golems body, took it (golem is fully assembled), to the altar (+10 Might and Endurance permanent to everybody), 4:08pm went back to The Bracada Desert.

-March 9 (Tuesday) - 16:08, The Bracada Desert. Used scroll of Fly, to the School of Sorcery, gave up quest on golem - Sorcerer became a Wizard, bought a shop membership, took all from the bookcases, to the Alchemy shop, bought there all potions, reagents and emplty bottles, to the Item shop - bought two rings, Paladin Boots (+17 Speed), Alacorn Wand of Fireball (27 charges) and Arcane Wand of Paralyzing (23 charges) - that`s it! Nobody now could really hurts the party. Identified items from the School of Sorcery (2 scrolls of Sun Ray, scroll of Dragon Breath, scroll of Incinerate, book of Dispel Magic). 4:48pm, flyed to The Barrow Downs, party gold nearly 5000.

-March 10-12 (Wednesday-Friday) - 4:48pm, The Barrow Downs. Again, cleaning the territory. Killed all monsters found on the map, picked up all items, found 3rd Contest of Personality (Contest of Intellect in Deyja, Contest of Luck in The Tularean Forest, Contest of Endurance in The Bracada Desert), touched an obelisk, win an Arcomage game in the tavern (1800 gold), cleaned The Haunted Mansion, took the 3rd picture, opened one chest (all except first paladin - dead and unconcious), left other for better time, cleaned some of Dwarven Barrows including Zokkar`s Tomb - recieved rank of Honorary Initiate, when there became no free place in inventory - exited and went to Stone City, entered in 8:48am. Sold all useless, opened all chests, win an Arcomage game in the tavern (2000 gold), bought Earth Magic skill and the book of "Slow" to thief, went to the Nighon Tunnels. Cleaned all tunnels from Gogs except the last (where is Zokkar`s Skull), made Preservation for everybody, used scrolls of Stone Skin and Heroism, entered Thunderfist Mountain. Killed one Minotaur Headsman near the entrance, turned left, killed ordinary Minotaur, ran between Eyes to exit. 7:21pm exited to Mount Nighon. Touched all pedestals and wells (+20 Air Resistance temporary, +50 Intellect and Personality temporary, +2 Personality permanent, +20 to All Resistances temporary - to everybody), win in a tavern in Arcomage (6000 gold), drank from the well near the temple (+2 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Leather 3 to Sorcerer), took quest for Haldar`s Remains, bought Fire Magic skill and some books to thief. Made Sorecerer a Master in Alchemy and Water Magic - as the result our own TP, Enchant Item (enchanted all non-magic items on a party members) and a possibilty to mix white potions. TP to Erathia, drank from the fountain, changed ore to weapons (the best - Demon Slaying Exquisite Dagger), gave up quest for Knight`s Promotion to Cavalier, Pedestal Day of the Gods, TP to The Tularean Forest, drank from the fountain, Pedestal of Shield, gave up quest on Faerie Pipes, to the Contest of Luck (+5 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Sword 5 to paladins and thief, Leather 4 to sorcerer), TP to Harmondale, made Sorcerer an Expert in Leather, Pedestal of Stone Skin, TP back to Mount Nighon. Until 3:30am was killing Warlocks and Rocs. 4:38am went to Deyja from The Tularean Forest.

-March 13 (Saturday) - 4:38am, Deyja. To the Item Shop (bought second Paladin Boots +17 Speed and two rings), gave up quest on Clerics promotion to Priest, TP to Erathia - checked shops, TP to The Tularean Forest - recieved a message about appearing of Gryphonheart`s Trumpet, took it from the chest near The Tularean Caves, TP Á Harmopndale, gave Trumpet to Judge Grey, bought Air Magic skill to thief, TP to The Tularean Forest, bought book of Invisibility, 8:28am went to Avlee.

-March 14 (Sunday) - 8:28am, Avlee. Changed Guide to Instructor, made Sorcerer a Master in Air Magic - now available Fly (all movings are now with Fly) and Invisibility. Flyed to The Temple of Baa. Killed all wyverns, to the Contest - Test of Speed (statistic must be 100 or higher). Made Speed Boost for all, drank them (as the result +7 SP for everybody, assigned SP - Sword 6 and Armsmaster 2 to paladins and thief, Earth Magic 3 and Dagger 2 to sorcerer). Casted all needed spells, drank potions, entered into the Titans` Stronghold. All titans that could be killed from the distance - shot from the distance, other will be paralyzed and engaged in melee combat, dragons - also with paralyzing or with strafe from the columns. Did so until the evening, returned to town, began to train to level 7.

-March 22 (Monday) - 9:00am, Avlee. Assigned SP (Sword ÄÍ 7 to paladins and thief, Earth Magic 4 to sorcerer). Again to Titans` Stronghold. In the evening began to train to level 8.

-April 2 (Tuesday) - 9:00am, Avlee. Assigned SP (Armsmaster 3 to paladins and thief, Dagger 4 to sorcerer). Cleaned map from elementals, touched obelisk, picked up all items, again to titans. In the evening - training to level 9.

-April 10 (Wednsday) - 9:00am, Avlee. Assigned SP (Armsmaster 4 and Spirit Magic 2 to first paladin, Armsmaster 4 to thief, Meditation 3 to sorcerer, Armsmaster 4 and Mind Magic 2 to second paladin). It`s time for general cleaning of all areas. TP by available areas (Harmondale, The Tularean Forest, Erathia, Mount Nighon) - bought items and some magic books, made Sorcerer an Expert in Dagger and Earth Magic, dismissed Instructor, hired Tracker, in 10:03am went from Erathia to Deyja.

-April 11-12 (Thursday-Friday) - 10:03am, Deyja. To the Contest of Intellect, used scroll Day of the Gods (+5 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Spirit Magic 4 to first paladin, Armsmaster 5 to thief, Meditation 4 to sorcerer, Mind Magic 4 to second paladin). Made Sorcerer an Expert in Meditation, paladins and thieif Experts in Armsmaster and Masters in Sword. Casted Regeneration, Shield, Bless, Stone Skin, Heroism, Earth Resistance, drank Preservation and entered Watchtower 6. Cleaning it was much harder than everything before (2 Lich Kings and Queen of the Dead was paralyzed and then killed, other - in close melee combat), lift down the counterweight for the next Rogue`s to Spy promotion. Exited. In 6:00pm bought all potions and reagents in Alchemy shop. TP to Erathia, made frist paladin an Expert in Spirit Magic, TP to Harmondale, made second paladin an Expert in Mind Magic, read available books to both paladins, picked up reagents and items not founded before, killed last 3 Oozes in White Cliff Cave. TP to Mount Nighon, to the Contest - Challenge of Might (statistic must be 200 or higher), made Might Boost for Everybody (+10 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Body Building 5 to paladins, Armsmaster 7 to thief), to the altar (+10 Intellect and Personality permanent to everybody), TP to the Tularean Forest. Changed Pathfinder and Tracker to Instructor and Teacher, cleaned Castle Navan, The Tularean Caves and Clanker`s Laboratory (found 5 catalysts with 75 power - good for reachrging Wand of Paralyzing, Corsair and some black potions), TP to Erahthia. Cleaned Castle Gryphonheart, opened chests in Fort Riverstride, killed last thiefs in Sewers, payed fines for cleaning 2 castles (36900 gold). Changed Teacher to Horseman, TP to The Tulearean Forest, in 3:39pm rided to Avlee.

-April 13-15 (Saturday-Monday) - 3:39pm, Avlee. Made thief a Master in Armsmaster. Nearly morning cleaned The Temple of Baa, picked up a cloak from his corpse for the second Monk`s promotion. Killed last titans and dragons in the Titans` Stronghold, comletely recharged Wand of Paralyzing (used Recharge Item potion with power 99). Sunday, 7:26pm. TP by the available locations, touched all needed pedestals and wells, sold items, chaged Horseman to Teacher, entered Thuderfist Mountain in Mount Nighon. 5:36am, all minotaurs, eyes and was killed (found Amulet +10 to all Resistances, ring +15 to Disarm Skill - now all chests will open without problems, took the case with Soul Jars), sold items that found in the dungein, TP by the locations, changed Instructor and Teacher to Pathfinder and Guide, from Erathia in 6:25am went to The Bracada Desert.

-April 16 (Tuesday) - 6:25am, The Bracada Desert. Cleaned Red Dwarf Mines, break lift for the Archer`s promotion to Warrior Mage, took scrolls from the bookcases in School of Sorcery (2 Day of Protection), bought all in Alchemy shop, to the Item shop (bought Amulet +10 to All Statistics), to the Contest of Endurance (+5 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Body Building 6 to paladins, Body Building 5 to thief), in 11:14am swimed away to Evenmorn Island.

-April 17-18 (Wednesday-Thursday) - 11:14am, Evenmorn Island. Win an Arcomage game in tavern (600 gold), Pedestal Day of the Gods, killed all monsters on the map, opened all chests. Headed to the Contest - Test of Might (+7 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Body Building 7 to paladins, Body Building 6 to thief, Meditation 5 to sorcerer), touched an obelisk, altar (+10 Accuracy and Speed permanent to everybody), stonehenge. Cleaned Grand Temples of the Moon and of the Sun, took both statues and cloaks from the High Priests. 2:54pm TP by available locations - sold items, touched pedestals and wells, changed Guide to Teacher, cleaned a half of Mount Nighon`s territory, jumped on the volcano - picked up ore and reagents, headed to the Maze, entered. To the 8:37am cleaned the bigger part of the dungeon, took from the chests statue and Haldar`s Remains. TP to Mount Nighon`s central well - gave up quest on Haldar`s Remains, TP by the Alchemy shops - bought reagents and bottles, changed Teacher to Tracker, in 9:17am went from The Tularean Forest to Avlee.

-April 19 (Friday) - 9:17am, Avlee. Gave up quest on Archer promotion to Warrior Mage, placed statue on the shrine, TP to Erathia, 10:38am went The Bracada Desert.

-April 20 (Saturday) - 10:38am, The Bracada Desert. Placed statue on the shrine, TP Á Erathia, in 10:59am went to Tatalia.

-April 21 (Sunday) - 10:59am, Tatalia. Hired Teacher, dismissed Tracker, cleaned territory from the trolls, touched an obelisk, placed statue on the shrine, killed last skeletons in The Tidewater Caverns, gave up quest on 3 pictures, cleaned the The Wine Cellar (2 Queen of the Dead was paralyzed of course), cleaned The Mercenary Guild (3 Masters of the Sword also was killed with paralyzing) - took there Heart of the Wood for the Hunter`s promotion to Ranger Lord and Leiutenant`s Cutlass. 5:44pm TP to The Tularean Forest, gave up quest on 3 statues, gave up quest on Druid`s promotion to Great Druid, hired Guide, dismissed Teacher, 4:15pm went to Deyja.

-April 22-24 (Monday-Wednesday) - 4:15pm, Deyja. Made paladins masters in Body Building, bought in Item shop 2 rings and scroll of Lloyd`s Beacon (travel will be 1 day faster), TP to Erathia, changed ore on items - a pair of good gauntlets, changed Guide to Instructor, TP to Mount Nighon, changed Pathfinder to Teacher, entered Thunderfist Mountain then in 8:01pm headed to Nighon Tunnels. Killed left Gogs, dwarves and warlocks, entered Stone City, robbed on invisiblitity dwarven treasury, exited to The Barrow Downs, opened chests in The Haunted Mansion, at last cleaned all Dwarven Barrows, took Lantern of Light from Barrow II, TP to Harmondale, gave up Lantern of Light. Tuesday, 7:10am, TP to Mount Nighon. Cleaned the whole territory, killed last monsters in The Maze, used all found to this moment Genie Lamps (10 lamps, +4 Endurance permanent from each lamp - 3 lamps to each paladin and thief, 1 lamp to sorcerer), touched all pedestals and wells in available for TP areas, drank Might Boost, Accuracy Boost and Speed Boost, used scroll Day of Protection, and through the Thunderfist Mountain in 3:50pm entered to behemots and medusas - into the Tunnels to Eeofol. Those behemots not very dangerous, a little mighter than minotaurs. Nearly the morning cleaned the bigger part of the tunnels (only one time went back to heal in the temple), the last part of the dungeon ran on invisibility, exited in 5:35am to The Land of the Giants (Eeofol). Recieved blaster from Archibald, on invisibility flyed to the shrine-teleporter (now it works from Harmondale, too), touched it, exited in Harmondale, healed, sold items and trough the shrine went back to The Land of the Giants. Visited and touched all pedestals(all needed pedestals are here, too), entered Tunels to Eeofol. 8:06am - dungeon completely cleaned. Exited back to Eeofol, shot about 20 titans, party became insane, because characters weren`t sleep for long - TP to Harmondale, went to sleep in tavern.

-April 25-27 (Thursday-Saturday) - 6:00am, Harmondale. Wake up, to Eeofol. Flyed to the last Contest - Challenge of Speed (+10 SP to everybody, assigned SP - Body Building 8 and Body Magic 5 to paladins, Body Building 7 and Chain 5 to thief, sorcerer has 28 SP - for better times). Saturday, 7:36am - cleaned whole The Land of the Giants from kreegans, titans and dragons, cleaned Colny Zod - killed Xenofex and freed Roland, cleaned both Dragon Caves, touched obelisk, changed all ore to items, used all genie lamps (the best items found - Wand of Inceneration 16 charges, scroll of Sacrifice, scroll of Divine Intervention, Hermes Sandals from Megadragon), TP by locations - checked Alchemy shops, changed Teacher to Horseman, went to sleep in Harmondale`s tavern.

-April 28 (Sunday) - 6:00am, Harmondale. Wake up and in 6:02am rided to The Arena.

-May 2 (Tuesday) - 6:02am, The Arena. Won on Lord level, TP to Erathia, went to sleep in tavern.

-May 3 (Wednesday) - 6:00am, Erathia. Wake up and in 6:05am rided to The Bracada Desert.

-May 4 (Thursday) - 6:05am, The Bracada Desert. Took scroll of Sacrifice from the bookcase in School of Sorcery, after that cleaned it from wizards, golems and elementals, in 2:25pm swimed away to Evenmorn Island.

-May 5 (Friday) - 2:25pm, Evenmorn Island. Bought book of Lloyd`s Beacon (assigned sorcerer`s SP into Water Magic 10). TP to The Tularean Forest, in 2:54pm rided to Avlee.

-May 6 (Saturday) - 2:54pm, Avlee. Used scroll of Lloyd`s Beacon in Titans` Stronghold near the chest where will be the Perfect Bow for Warrior Mage`s promotion to Master Archer. TP to Harmondale, went to sleep in tavern.

-May 7 (Sunday) - 6:00am, Harmondale. Wake up and in 6:02am rided to The Arena.

-May 9-11 (Tuesday-Thursday) - 6:02am, The Arena. Won on Lord level, TP by the locations changed Instructor and Horseman to Pathinder and Explorer, went to sleep until May 12.

-May 12-13 (Friday-Saturday) - 6:00am, Harmondale. Wake up, entered to castle - waited Judge`s Death. In 3:05am exited from castle to the Harmondale`s territory - recieved a message about Judge`s Grey untimely death. TP to Erathia, in 3:17am went to The Bracada Desert.

-May 14 (Sunday) - 3:17am, The Bracada Desert. Flyed to tavern, in 5:00am took new Judge, TP to Harmondale, put the Judge into Arbiter`s House - choosed Path of Light. TP to Erathia, in 5:31am went to The Bracada Desert.

-May 15 (Monday) - 5:31am, The Bracada Desert. Flyed to the central teleport, entered Celeste, win an Arcomage game in a tavern (3000 gold), TP to central fountain in Celeste, headed to Castle Lambent, in 6:06am took quest on Proving Grounds, TP to central fountain, entered The Walls of Mist, ran it on invisibility, in 8:13am gave up quest to Gavin Magnus, TP to central fountain, headed to the Temple of the Light, entered - took a Altar Piece of Light, TP to Erathia, took quest on Crusader`s Promotion to Hero, in 9:03am went to Deyja.

-May 16 (Tuesday) - 9:03am, Deyja. To the William Setag`s Tower - killed Setag and a Master of the Sword in the nearby room - recieved Villain`s Blade and freed Alise, in 9:51am on invisibility entered to The Pit. Win an Arcomage game in a tavern (3000 gold), entered The Breeding Zone, took a book of Divine Intervention (invisibility ended, because monsters are very near), exited, ran to the entrance to The Pit, exited, casted invisiblity, entered back to The Pit, ran to the Temple of the Dark - took Altar Piece of Dark, back to the exit from The Pit. TP to Erathia, 11:59am, gave up quest for the Crusader`s promotion to Hero, gave up quest on Arcomage Champion, to the Sewers, entered, took/gave up quest on Rogue`s promotion to Spy, TP to Celeste. Took/gave up quests on two Altar Pieces, on Soul Jars and on Tatalia`s Vampire - took quest on Tolberti, fell down to The Bracada Desert. Took/gave up quest on Wizard`s promotion to Archmage - all characters have the second promotion, took quests on Hunter`s promotion to Ranger Lord and on Seasons` Stole, changed Explorer and Pathfinder on Instructor and Gate Master, bought Light Magic skill into the magic guild to sorcerer and paladins, read book of Dispel Magic, TP to Harmondale, took quest on Warrior Mage`s promotion to Master Archer, took/gave up quest on Initiate`s promotion to Master, made Sorcerer a Grandmaster in Water Magic - read book of Lloyd`s Beacon, set LB here, TP to The Tularean Forest, took quest on Great Druid`s promotion to Arch Druid, gave Heart of the Wood to the Oldest Tree. Drank many Potions, casted all protection and upgrade spells, casted invisibility, used Gate Master to TP to the Pit (if so - you could be invisible during and after TP). Headed to exit, took Seasons` Stole from the chest, returned back to The Pit 2:21pm began to kill Tolberti - Dispel Magic and then close melee combat - to the 9th battle round he died (thief and second paladin - eradicated), took Control Cube from his corpse. TP to Celeste, gave up quest on Tolberti, took/gave up to Ressurectra quest on Xenofex, took quest on Oscillation Overthruster (Final Task), set LB near the Throne Room, took suits from chests, TP to the central fountain in Celeste, gave up quests on Seasons` Stole and Hunter`s promotion to Ranger Lord, LB to The Titans` Stronghold - took Perfect Bow, exited and in 3:14pm went (swimed away) to Shoals.

-May 17 (Wednesday) - 3:14pm, Shoals. Entered The Lincoln, ran between droids to the top - switch on the power in the spaceship, from the central room ran to the place, where is Oscillation Overthruster (thief, sorcerer, second paladin - unconcious, so used the scroll of Divine Intervention), took Oscillation Overthruster, LB to Harmondale. Gave up quest on Master Archer, TP to Mount Nighon - through the Thunderfist Mountain, Nighon Tunnels, Stone City, The Barrow Downs ran to the Zokkar`s Tomb - put the Skull into the tomb, TP to The Tularean Forest - gave up quest on Arch Druid, 4:54pm, TP to The Pit - killed some monsters, LB to the Magnus` Throne Room - gave up the Final Quest.

-Small Addition - only 3 quests weren`t completely done during the pass - second Cleric`s promotion, second Knight`s promotion and quest on obelisks. Travel time seriously depends on quantity of found scrolls of Lloyd`s Beacon (could be even 4 days faster) and on the time of found/bought Wand of Paralyzing. As you can see - High Magic (Light in this case), not used as magic skill. Killed all monsters, except those, whom are into The Pit and Shoals.
Zitadelle Asgard / Fangrorn

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