Questions to Ubisoft in English

Diskussionen rund um Teil 5 der Heroes Reihe

Moderatoren: Thies, mara, Radagast, Azurdrachen

Beiträge: 455
Registriert: So 29.12.2002 - 22:11

Beitrag von Rincewind0409 »

it´s me again. Did you seen our thread where we translated some german threads ? If not look here : ... hp?t=13468 :)

regards :winken:

Beiträge: 7175
Registriert: Di 21.05.2002 - 14:15
Wohnort: Fate2 Vers. 17.07.2007

Beitrag von hafensaenger »

I think Fabrice is very busy and if he has the time, he will look ;)
"We choose our joys and sorrows
long before we experience them."

- Kahlil Gibran-
Beiträge: 455
Registriert: So 29.12.2002 - 22:11

Beitrag von Rincewind0409 »

hoping it . cause we want to get an excellent game named Heroes 5... :D
Beiträge: 7175
Registriert: Di 21.05.2002 - 14:15
Wohnort: Fate2 Vers. 17.07.2007

Beitrag von hafensaenger »

Is it possible, that Homm5 will have a manual made out of Paper and not a boring and PDF-File on CD ? I would appriciate it :rolleyes:
"We choose our joys and sorrows
long before we experience them."

- Kahlil Gibran-
Beiträge: 94
Registriert: Di 30.09.2003 - 11:11

SourceCode Homm III

Beitrag von Malakith »

Hi Fabrice!

Is there a chance that the SourceCode for Homm III will be released? You mentioned something like that a few month ago.

Would be cool for the WOG-Team.
And broaden the fanbase.


Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Do 20.11.2003 - 18:53

Beitrag von MuadDib »

Hi to all

I posted a few infos on the Round Table, and as announced there, will try to resume answering questions here, from this post on. It will all depend on available time though :p
Beiträge: 2460
Registriert: Mo 25.03.2002 - 01:11
Wohnort: Bielefeld

Beitrag von Radagast »

Hi Fabrice, fine that you are back :)

@all: Fabrice has answered many Questions in the Round Table. Here is a summary of all Posts. So, we can search for really new questions :D

A few replies, please dont be frustrated if I cant answer yet.

I would start by saying the game announcement might be done much earlier than I thought.

2D/3D : ok let's crack this, it's not so much of a scoop really, the game will be rendered in 3D. The graphical quality will be much improved by this, believe me. There are also quirks that need to be adressed, but we have the time for that, and this is where I will directly ask fans about specific points along the way.

Console versions : cant say yet. If we break the million mark you might even ask about gameboy/psp :)

Storyline : I see you started a thread about that, as we are still discussing options on this point this is very useful.

Heroes on/off battlefield : I should have the perfect solution for this point - there is only a few people left to eliminate in order to reach an agreement :)

NWC material for H5 : we're starting anew.

Underground : most probably.

News : hey what are you calling this ! :) I might release some concept art soon to get your opinion.

Skill/spell/creatures system : being discussed now, we will not use a previous one but improve on the existing.

Basic ideas : yes they is a core vision of the game that we are building on, but a lot of points are still open.

Fans influence : I think I answered that in the "polls" discussion.

Rights : on NWC logo and such, dunno. On game contents, yes, of course.

Sandro : we'll see.

Market we're aiming at : that's the good question :) We want to improve the game a lot and appeal to much more people. Sounds like a common marketing tradeline doesnt it ? But we also want to appeal to the fans, otherwise I wouldnt be here.

Multiplayer : a large part of discussions of course, everything is considered.

RPG / strategy balance : I think HoMM is mostly a strategy game.

Patching : we will if needed, but a patched game also means an unbalanced game at the release.

Engine : as former NWC material, starting anew.

Team/employees : cant disclose yet, for NWC employees I said we are considering this.

Music : the music will be like in Heroes 5.

Demo : Of course.

New features : along with our vision of the game, they are basically the reason why we make Heroes 5. However I cant disclose this now.

Sfx : forget what you've seen elsewhere.

My fingers are still fine thanks :)

Hi everyone ! As I`m touring the forums this morning, I`ll make a few answers. Sorry for not answering all of them at this stage though :o

Hotseat mode : I was in a polish forum minutes ago, I`ll make the same answer. It will probably be implemented, but we would like to make the online experience the center of multiplayer games !

Phoenix : hum... we`ll see :)

Map in a game box : yes I`d really like to have some `deluxe` edition of the game with high quality prints of sketches, some model statue of a creature, a leather map, extended manual, this sort of things. It`s too early to make plans, but I think that would be nice :)

All questions about game system (number of towns and such) : I cant disclose much now, but in this respect we would like to stay true to HoMM tradition.

3D : I understand the doubts about this point, I`d like to wait a bit and be able to show you what can be done with some models. Probably not before the official game announcement though. I can precise that this will be rendered 3D.

Living towns / animations : Yes this is a must for the game to feel alive amd moving around you. This will also be much easier to do in 3D.

Music : wait and see ;)

Game balance / betatesters : Answered this on the dragon`s stronghold also, here it is :) Its way too early to tell. But I`d like to have a group of expert players help us balance the game. There is serious matters of confidentiality and property though, and if we have such group it would be small.

Specs requirements : By the time the game ships, the target specs should be a really low system. Well its already pretty low :P

Stacks : Yes.

More tactical combat : A major point that we`re discussing now.

Storyline / new heroes : Still reading threads on these points, we advanced our decisions, I`ll say more next time probably, but we want to introduce new heroes, yes.

ETA : Not 2004.

Official forum : I think I answered this one here already :P Certainly after the official announcement.

Not listening too much to the fans : Okay I`m leaving :)

Once again, at this stage, I will not answer precise questions about the inner game system. I'll just tease you ;)

Languages : I'll push for having the game released quickly, or at the same time if possible, in countries with helping communities (at this point in time that would include poland and china).

Specs requirements : answered before.

M&M 10 : you'll know more later. Be patient.

Towns : it has been decided ;)

PBEM : could do, that will depend on the size of save files.

3D : I answered this at least twice already, the game will be 3D, real 3D, not prerendered.

Balancing the game : we'll probably use something similar to the peon system, with a basic unit as reference. This phase is a long way off - although I'm giving some thoughts of the way we'll make betatests. Communities should be called upon.

"Can I do it" : I believe so.

Focus on low or high level creatures : that's so good a question that I wont answer it now ;)

Pikachu profile : I will never, in Heaven or Hell, change my profile, I will fight on the seas and oceans, I will fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, I will defend my Pikachu, whatever the cost may be, I will fight on the beaches, I will fight on the landing grounds, I will fight in the fields and in the streets, I will fight in the hills; I will never surrender my Pikachu. Expect to see more Pikachus.

Edited by MuadDib on Dec 23 2003 3:57PM
A small batch of points before leaving for a few days...

Transfer lags in MP : it is indeed pretty fair to assume we'll try to do better than in H4 :p

Towns : they *define* the inner game structure !

Policy on fan-created addons, as well as for permission to use material : send that to me at this time. It is not my own decision but I'll forward it.

Stacks : I answered yes before, and that means we cant reasonably have more than one figure for each stack.

Impressive, sensational and striking title : that's about the minimum we are aiming at !

Redistribution of previous games : been asked about that before. This is a marketing decision, I'll bring it forward, but dont expect a miracle for old releases.

Ideas on CH & elsewhere : up to now I've seen a fair share of discussions going around. I've noticed interesting ideas or point of views. In some communities I even get digest feedbacks or summaries, or even game analysis, which is pretty impressive. On the overall I think I got a lot of informations and opinions from the fan site - which is precisely what I wanted :)

Questions where the answer can only be yes : then do I need to answer ?

Hotseat mode : I'm certain we will probably implement it.

In order to start well, here is some feedback :)

Storyline : we are developing a unique storyline for the whole solo game.

Online threads : we are still keeping an eye around, however it is much easier when communities leaders send summaries by mail (Thanks Ururam ;)

Have we thought about dragons : yes !

Camera : the camera will but mostly fixed to avoid getting lost anywhere.

IRT andrzej17, who wanted another present for 2004 : I will choose the one about upgrades, you have your answer by looking at the december sketches :)

Creature sizes : working on it.


Expansion / new game : Heroes 5 will be a logical and real evolution in the series, but at the heart, stay true to the principles of previous instalments. That's why I say that the basic game structure (the core design) will remain. That also mean we *will* try new things also :)

Creatures start on battlefield : as this will be 3D, it will be chosen by the player mostly.

Unique storyline : being the only one (Merriam Webster ;)

Heroes of Pokemon : I'd rather call it 'Heroes of Pikachu' if you ask me. Or 'Pikachu the Hero', or 'Bow before Pikachu your Hero', or perhaps 'The might and magic of Pikachu'. Perhaps I could make a poll about that ?

Camera : this will be tuned during testing, zooming is clearly intended.

Desert mouse : yes ! You win a free copy of the game ;)

Storyline : I think I already said we had an outline at this stage. But I really cant say more :p

Grail : considered.

Weather : we could do it for the sake of impressive settings, at least. That's a good idea.

Diplomacy : not a major key in the game, but creating alliances during a mission will certainly be possible.

Specs : we'll have scalability, of course. I want to have people drooling over screenshots :)

The development is going well, we will have the first versions coming soon, with the basic elements of the game. That is, the "core features" : combat, adventure view, managing city, arranging army and heroes. We are in line with schedule, and, in my opinion, quality.
The game official announcement, however, will not be done before E3, as was planned earlier, but some time later probably. This is not my decision here, but if you look at it from a positive view, there will be less time to wait for the release, when the announcement is made !

Regarding official homepage and stuff, you probably found the seed already. It will be open with the game announcement.

We thought about simultaneous movement on adventure map, it will be used to some extent. The objective being to have shorter and more interesting multiplayer games.

Some important info, heroes will probably not participate directly in combat. They'll be more involved than in Heroes 3 though.

Regarding the former team, we are still discussing with JVC. I hope he'll join, soon enough to be involved in design decisions. Rob King is around and I see no reason why we wouldnt work with him.

The story style that we will use is the faction switching / linked storyline style. I think it is the best from all points of view.

We'll have a combat grid. It will be quite close to Heroes 3.
At last the new Creature Sketch:

Radagast der Braune
Hüter der MM-Board Grillzange
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Fr 24.12.2004 - 23:12
Wohnort: Colchester, UK

Launch of HMM5

Beitrag von labandancer »

Hey! Does anyone know when Heroes 5 is to be released, either globally or a specific date for the UK?

Beiträge: 7175
Registriert: Di 21.05.2002 - 14:15
Wohnort: Fate2 Vers. 17.07.2007

Re: Launch of HMM5

Beitrag von hafensaenger »

labandancer hat geschrieben:Hey! Does anyone know when Heroes 5 is to be released, either globally or a specific date for the UK?

I answered you in the other thread. ;)
"We choose our joys and sorrows
long before we experience them."

- Kahlil Gibran-
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Sa 08.01.2005 - 02:31

Beitrag von nb »

Hi Fabrice!

After all I´ve heard about the concepts I´m glad that you are working on a multiplayer mode where both players can play simultaniously.
But I´m a bit confused with the graphic engine. In my opinion it is time to change into 3D Battles where the numbers of your creatures will not just be a number above your creature.
Tactically, this game is brilliant and doesn´t need much improvements. The major point should be the battle system which combines the game´s brilliant strategy with an wonderful battle spectacle.
the best example for the right engine would be Rome:Total War.
Why don´t you think of sth. like that for Homm 6 at least?

Thanks for reading :)
Beiträge: 455
Registriert: So 29.12.2002 - 22:11

Beitrag von Rincewind0409 »

Hi there !

Can anyone from Ubisoft tell us some news about Heroes 5 ?



Beiträge: 6
Registriert: Mi 10.03.2004 - 12:29


Beitrag von elopat »

It would be great if you could offer HoMM5 for Linux Users as well. I have been playing HoMM3 for close to 2 years now, and still love the game.

Maybee the market is not the size of Windows yet, but in my estimate it matches the Mac market share and is growing rapidly. Furthermore, most Linux users are willing to pay to good games!


Bursche / Magd
Bursche / Magd
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Do 31.03.2005 - 21:20

Beitrag von Olahorand »

Hail Fabrice,
myself, my son (15) and my daughter (9) are really fans of the Heroes series, so we are all happy about an successor. (Besides the spouse I must admit ...).
What we did like in earlier Heroes titles:
The simple handling (so that even younger children could understand the core principles).
The round based game.
Fair chances in diversity.

What I would like to see implemented:
An map generator, which automatically creates new maps based on some given input.
An artifact generator with 1000s different combinations.
Some more diversity in surprise factors.
Stronger towns (possibly with customizable defenses - compare to Stronghold).
Maybe gambling games ingame (Single Player only) for getting certain items or units (like the quests in former versions)?
Ability to demolish town components in own towns (to avoid the enemy conquering a full city).
Ability to have spys, which are embedded in enemy forces and help the own troups to see, what the enemy group sees.
Ability to steal ressources from enemies (and to protect against such stealing by investing in police forces).
Abilities to alter the landscape to create natural defenses against the attacking enemies (and to remove such defenses again).
Ability to train up elite units (similar like heroes) may be have an elite archer bataillon with limited headcount, but increasing stats and abilities in attack and defense.

A compatibility mode to older versions ;-)


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