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Walkthorugh and FAQ for the Mod

Verfasst: Mi 31.03.2010 - 14:08
von ge0matrix
Master & Initiate promotions: given by Bartholomey Hume near the Bracada stables.

Scrolls of the saints 1-6: near 0.0,0.0 position of each of the following regions: Erathia, Harmondale (Angel gives you the second one), Barrow downs (guarded by tons of lethal spiders),

Promotions are only given after you complete the courier missions, so make this your first priority after emerald island.

Courier missions are not noted on the quest journal, so read the text! Here’s a link to the texts:

The first paladin promotion is to find the lost map, a mission given by the angel in castle harmondale. The original kill-the-dragon-mission is obsolete. In fact, the cave itself is inaccessible.

You can return to emerald island. To do so:
1) Find the emerald island key. It can be obtained by the dwarven king after the quest with the petrified dwarves in the red dwarf mines in bracada
2) Take the key and give it to the first character 3) step on the teleporter at bracada desert near the stable. Now you’re on Emerald. Note: You can leave the island by ship or town portal.

The expert bow teacher is located on the side of the weapons shop in emerald island.

Some magic teachers require quests to provide you with the mastery:
Fire Expert: Find Lost Scroll of Wonka: in Barrow downs barrow IV.
Fire Master, given at a tent in tularean forest: Kill the red dragon in the caves of emerald island, and return the ring from his dead body. From this you will get the ring of the watchers, which allows entrance to some sealed caves.
Water master, given by the lady on the ship in Emerald Island: go to the island west of avlee with the shrine on it, and retrieve the ring, which is located right under the pedestal.
Earth grandmaster, given by Avalanche in the southern town of Deyja: Go to the whitecliff caves in Harmondale and kill the earth elemental in a hidden room, then take the ring. As a side note: the cave is really worthwhile to clear out completely because of some excellent items lying around. The cave is quite hard though (filled with trolls and earth elementals).

To get to Evermorn islands, do the priest quest (find map to them on the tidewater cavern in avlee) and then try, for example, the ship connection from Tatalia (completion of courier missions might be necessary). Once there, retrieve the Evermorn key from a chest next to the northern island bridge.

The teleports function this way:
In Erathia’s town center are two pedestals which teleport you to Harmondale and the Tularean forest, but every teleportation will cost you a scroll from the guy in the nearby tavern (which values at 200g).
At Harmondale there is a teleport hub in the south village (the well). To use it, give the desired destination key (and NO other key) to the first character, and then click on the hub. The keys are mainly obtained through the courier missions or as treasure.
There are home portals (red pedestals) on many places that teleport you directly and for no fee to Erathia if you click on them (and possibly own a home key, obtained from the courier-lady in Erathia): Deyja: at the south village. Tatalia: at the north village. Avlee: on the main village. Bracada: next to the stables.
Town portal only works for celeste and nighon (and the pit?) as long as you haven’t completed the archmage-quest.

To get the archmage-promotion, speak with the wizard in the sorcery school ONLY ONCE, then go to the stables and click on the home portal (red pedestal). The dungeon is weird and possibly you have to kill some green creatures (they block the path). Accept the quest only if you are ready to fight right then.

The golem parts for the wizard promotion are at the same places as in the original mm7, but the one foot originally located in deyja is now in the temple of the moon on evermorn instead (combine this with the priest of light quest) in a chest in a secret room (it’s right above the entrance).
ome barrels and quests give you expertise plus 6 points in some basic skills, so don’t bother to raise the before that: identify item, merchant, bodybuilding, perception, learning, fire magic (raised to 8, though).

Verfasst: So 13.11.2011 - 00:46
von Neverknown
I still havn't found "identify item" but "repait item" exists, and is this way missing in the list.

Und weil das hier ein deutsches Forum ist:

In Auzügen den oberen Post nochmal und meine Ergänzung.

Bevor das "Festival of the Moons" vorbei ist, gibt es keine Beförderungen, das Festival endet erst, wenn man die Courriergilde in Erathia gemeistert hat.

Der EINZIGE Experten-Bogen-Lehrer ist auf Emerald Island.

Feuermagie steigt/sinkt im Spiel automatisch einmal (egal wo sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist) auf 8.

Die folgenden Fertigkeiten zu steigern, bevor man durch das Spiel automatisch auf Experte Level 6 kommt ist Punkteverschwendung.

Identifizieren, Handel, Reparieren, Bodybuilding, 6. Sinn, Lernen,

Verfasst: Mi 23.11.2011 - 23:37
von Neverknown
Nicht jeder Charakter kann alles werden. Genaugenommen wählt das Spiel vermutlich nach der Ursprungsklasse 3 Varianten und bietet diese zur Wahl.
Folgende Klassenkombinationen sind geprüft

Druide --> Schütze, Mönch, Hexer
Paladin -->Schütze, Ranger, Druide
Kleriker-->Schütze, Druide, Paladin
Zauberer--> Schütze, Paladin, Kleriker

über Ergänzungen würde ich mich freuen.

Achja, Mana und Lebenspunkte werden an die neue Klasse angepasst...Ein Zauberer der Paladin wird bekommt zwar ein paar hundert Lebenspunkte, verliert aber genausoviele Zauberpunkte.