The MM7Rev4mod3 has been Released

Hier dreht sich alles um das (englische) Remake-Projekt, welches auf MM7 aufsetzt

Moderatoren: Thies, mara

Bursche / Magd
Bursche / Magd
Beiträge: 23
Registriert: Di 15.01.2008 - 10:25

The MM7Rev4mod3 has been Released

Beitrag von asterix15 »

The MM7Rev4mod Released 3 has been posted to this site. It contains all changes and 'patches' to the R2 and some additions.

Make sure you Install R3PATCH too!

‘Bug’ Fixes

1. Repaired Alter teleporter from LOG (BDJ).

2. Fixed Hero Quest Loop (Pacscal)

3. Modified Character Class Matrix based upon inputs from Gandalf.

4. Corrected Priest of Light Promo (Pascal)

5. Corrected Sword Elfbane X-coordinates (Pascal)

6. Corrected cost of Axe (Vilx via Bimbasto)

7. Added Vampire Cape to Wine Cellar (Vilx via LG)

8. Removed “I Lost It” exploit (Vilx via Bimbasto)

9. Fixed Red Barrels for +5 (Vilx via LG)

10. Removed all Master Healers from game (Vilx, Pascal)

11. Maximus Quest and Blaster Skill bug repaired (Vilx via LG)

12. Fixed Brianna’s Brandy Barrel in Erathia. (BDJ)


1. Added one new 2-part ‘timed’ essential quest

2. Added 18 additional non-quest-related game ‘events’

3. Performed general ‘cleanup’ and minor game ‘tweaks’

4. Added ReadMe file (LG)

5. Added post game ‘surprize’

6. Added the ability to forego Character Class change for any or all party members (Zedd)

Enjoy "The Game".

Big Daddy Jim
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Do 27.03.2008 - 23:12

Beitrag von Chontis-Re »

can I just put this over release 2 and continue playing or do I need to start a new game?

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