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Legends of Might and Magic

07. Juli 2001

Review @ Gamespot

5,7 von 10,0 möglichen Punkten, das ist das wenig freundliche Ergebnis des Tests durch Gamespot.com:

If mediocrity and complacency were crimes, Legends of Might and Magic would get tossed in the dungeon. Despite its many blemishes, it's not a bad game overall and can be entertaining for short periods of time. Ultimately, though, it's more disappointing than exciting, and not just because it's transparently modeled after a much better game. It's also an opportunity wasted: With so many excellent science-fiction, counterterrorist, and military shooters available, an imaginative, high-quality fantasy shooter would be a welcome addition to the genre. Unfortunately, Legends of Might and Magic isn't that shooter. The characters and weapons all lazily merge together in a disjointed game design. That is, when a fantasy game's sorceress is ultimately little different from an archer or warrior, you know there's a problem. The paper-thin swords-and-sorcery backdrop isn't used to any real effect either, nor is the Might and Magic license itself. Ultimately, Legends of Might and Magic mightily lacks the magic that turns middling games into great ones.

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