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Die nachfolgende Übersicht stammt aus TELP's Diskussionsforum und wurde direkt dem Sourcecode des Programms entnommen. Ich hoffe, dass es mir gelingt, mit der deutschen Version auch an die deutschen Texte heranzukommen.

Neu gegenüber den Vorgängern ist, dass es ab sofort auch Artefakt - Sets gibt. Wenn man alle Teile des Sets besitzt, ergeben sich dadurch nochmals verbesserte Attribute.

Name Beschreibung
Excala Banna
Long Sword (Grafik)
This yellow-hued sword is legendary among the native people of Frosgard. They claim that it was carried by their hero Eric, who it seemed was never prepared for battle. It is supposed to have surfaced from a lake when Eric cried ut, "Yoohoo!"

-5 accuracy, -5 endurance, +50 luck
Mevan Sword
Broad Sword (Grafik)
The Mevan Sword is pure evil. It surfaced early this century, after being buried under a pile of rubble since the Great Cataclysm. It is not known who made it, or why, but most who have used it either swore by it or died by it.

Breaks after first use
Jorhgamesh Scimitar (Grafik) Jorhgamesh was comissioned by Olaf the Fat during his short reign as Jarl of Frosgard. He believed that with this sword he could conquer and unite all the Clans of Chedian

-50 to SP, +20 to accuracy, +10 to speed
Black's Heart Dagger (Grafik) Long ago, there was a group of Chedian warriors lead by a man named Halfred the Black. This dagger was his constant companion. After his death, the dagger was buried with him. His grave however was soon looted, it's contents taken and sold.

Increased Damage, Increased chance to hit, Increased speed
Dagger (Grafik)
Named after the Old Ursanian Emperor who commited suicide in 225 BC, this is the dagger that he used to finally end his life. Emperor Integris was often called the "Suicidal Emperor" because of his many attempts to end his own life. Ironically, on most of his attempts, the weapon broke in his hand before he could complete the task.

+35 to hit and damage, +15 pts poison, Fragile
Axe (Grafik)
This axe is named after the Sturmford warrior Sven Bloodaxe who was ever victorious in combat. Although it is denied by many, he finally died in 340 AC of old age.

40% chance to "poison" target at GM level, +20 Endurance +10 to all resistances
Sygnir Axe (Grafik) This axe was forged 200 BC in Minespring. The dwarves of that era were exceptional at their ability to create incredible weapons. In 73 AC, Ichvan I tried to convince the dwarves to begin making weapons for his new Mendossian Army. After 2 years of negotiation, Ichvan tired of their refusals and razed Minespring.

Fragile, Extra damage, +6 Armsmaster +6 Blade skill, Regeneration
Everstrike Longbow (Grafik) Made of Elemental Thjorad, this weapon was one of the finest creations from the famed weaponsmith Borfinn Ironhands. He always claimed he was not adept at making missle throwers, but this weapon is clearly the finest example of anything he ever made.

100% accuracy
Trolleri Throwing Dagger (Grafik) This dagger was given to Aesir the Scholar as a reward in the Thronish town of Nirheim. She spent most of her life travelling from town to town across Chedian healing children and teaching her skills to townsfolks. A Merchant gave up his prized dagger as a gift for saving the life of his son.

Slow, +100 HP,3 attacks
Tillhygge Throwing Axe (Grafik) Tillhygge was unearthed on the Isle of Ashes in 75 AC when a group of Scavengers were picking through the remains of Verhoffin's Tower. When they returned to the mainland, they claimed it to be haunted by the ghost of Verhoffin himself and soon sold the axe.

+30 accuracy, +10 strength, of Disease, of Mastery
Kraftig Bage
Light Crossbow (Grafik)
This bow was carried into battle by the mighty warrior Halfnorr the Ox-Shouldered. It conferred upon him great strength and skill. He was slain by another warrior, Sven Bloodaxe, when they met in battle in Thjorgard.

+10 to all stats, + 7 bow
Blackpowder Hand Cannon (Grafik) This device was created by the mad scholar Roj'ere sometime before his death in 320 AC. He was called a genius by some, a madman by others. This paticular invetion uses a strange black powder to propel a projectile from it's muzzle. Roj'ere was extremely proud of this invention, but died before he could refine it and make it safer to use.

Bypass AC, Extra Damage, Slow Reload, 2% chance per use of breaking and causing damage to player.
Gungnir Spear (Grafik) Gungnir was fashioned by Hanndl himself to serve as his weapon during the Great Reckoning that is fated to happen one day. On the day Krohn forsaw the coming of this day, he demanded all his gods arm themselves with weapons of great power. Somehow, Hanndl's spear surfaced in Chedian

of puncturing (20% chance to bypass monster AC). Extra Damage
Formanir Spear (Grafik) This spear was cast over the heads of the Tredskas rebels by Krohn himself when they rebelled against the gods and tried to capture Arslegard. Desipte their leader being one of the most powerful magicians of the time, and the army made up of hundreds of thousands of skilled warriors, not a single Tredskas rebel left the battlefield that day. Korhn left this spear behind as a warning to mortals who thought to rebel.

-10 to AC, -20 endurance. Of grandmasters, of everlasting, +30 might.
Einherjar HalberdThis halberd is said to carry with it the souls of men slain by it. It has an unusual effect on those wielding it. It's first owner was said to have gone mad. It's second owner gave it away and threw himself from a cliff. The tales of tragedy this halberd carries is long and sad.

Vampiric, +20 Might. 10% chance of insanity per week, 10% chance -30% HP per week.
Stouka Couta HalberdLiterally Old Ursanian for "Stick Cutter" This is the only surviving example left. It was used by the Ursanian Persana Garda, the men who were personally responsible for the Emperor's safety. This weapon contributed in no small part to the fear the Persana Garda put in the hearts of men.

5% chance to cast "Enrage" on target at GM level +30 might +10 endurance
Vanir's Hammer
Hammer (Grafik)
Vanir's Hammer was created by the legendary sorcerer Vanir several hundred years ago. He was as adept at wielding this weapon as he was at sorcery. Many people comment how this is not a hammer, but a cudgel, to which Vanir would reply "But what is a hammer? Does the name matter if it can crush skulls?" Not many on the receiving end of his hammer argued with him.

5% chance to cast "Enrage" on target at GM level +30 might +10 endurance
Blutterbunger Flail (Grafik) Blutterbunger was a popular weapon in 480 AC when it was discovered. It has the ability to confound an opponent, making it extremly popular in barroom brawls as well as on the battlefield. It was owned by Fyri the Goat-Face until, in a barfight, he somehow managed to hit himself with it and knocked himself unconscious.

5% chance of stunning opponent, of bruisers, of edges. If fail vs skill 70% chance knocking self unconscious
Morning Star (Grafik)
This morning star is named after the mythical hero Manarus who became the guiding star in the northern sky. The history of this weapon is not known, but it is said to bestow great skill on magic users.

+80 SP, of grandmasters, of the jajarb.
Samarjit Staff (Grafik) This staff is made of an unknown metal. It is surprisingly light, and also very, very old. It was found with documents written in Old Ursanian that suggest it predates even the earliest mention of the Ursanian Empire. Not even the documents explain who made it, how they made it, or where it came from.

+ 20 Endurance, +20 Might, of Everlasting, of Diamonds, of Masters
Thjorad Maul (Grafik) This maul first appeared about 10 years AC, when most people were still picking up the pieces of the Great Cataclysm. It is said to be made out of pure Elemental Thjorad, and is very, very heavy. Many smiths have tried to copy this maul, and have only suceeded in making very heavy magic items.

+5-15 points elemental attack 10% chance of killing target.
Spencer's Obedience
Club (Grafik)
This is the club that General Spencer used to keep his troops in line. He often found them playing card games intstead of staying at their posts, so he had this magical club created to "inspire" them to do their jobs. It proved to be very effective.

+10 to Speed. Very Fast. of Jitterbug
Hammer (Grafik)
Mjulnir is often called "The Hammer of the Gods" and for good reason. It is said that the god Krohn lost it when he hurled it at his wife after a quarrel. It is a massive weapon, meant to be wielded by a massive warrior. It is also rumored that Krohn has vowed to reclaim his weapon, and destroy the man who has kept it from him.

+16-25 pts of Elemental Damage. +60 might. Divine intervention will always fail. -20 speed.
Igdrasine Leather ArmorLegend has it this armor was a gift from Igrassa herself to Dagna Kramartrag, for his service to her temple.

+10 to Magic stat
Chain Armor (Grafik)
This armor was allegedly made from the chains some ghosts carry with them. Whether it is true or not, it certainly has some ghostly properties. It weighs nearly nothing at all, and carries with it a foreboding cloud. It also seems to make the same sound as the poor souls who are chained to the place of their death.

Of regeneration, 10% chance of opponent becoming afraid.
Swordsbane Plate ArmorThis armor was worn by Leit the Crusader during his reign as leader of the Thronheim Clan. It was with this armor he slayed the foul creatures that inhabited the area that would become Thronheim City. It is said to prevent sword from ever touching skin.

+40 AC vs melee attacks, -10 AC vs ranged attacks
Witchbane HelmIt is said that this helm is made from the skull of Ilthic, the most powerful witch of the Ursanian Empire. Rumor is, Emperor Ralfor himself severed her head. After removing the unnecessary parts, he had the new helmet enchanted against magical attacks.

+20 all resistances. +20 AC vs magic attacks
Helm (Grafik)
Pitted and dented, this helm does not look like much. Looks can be deceiving however. Brongnoker was made before the founding of the Ursanian Empire, with long lost forging techniques. This helm is probably the finest protection for the head in the world.

+10 all stats, +10 Armor skill
Walking Boots
Boots (Grafik)
These boots were made for walking. However, because of the special enchantments put upon them to protect the traveller's feet, they have been used more often by the fortunate soldier who happened upon them.

+10 speed, of Everlasting, of regeneration, of amelieoration. +10 to all resistances
Laet'ax Gloves (Grafik) This pair of soft leather gloves was found outside Verhoffin's tower in 300 AC. They are soft, and somewhat slippery. No matter the size of the wearer's hand, they seem to always fit.

-10 to accuracy +10 Luck +5 disarm trap
Shield (Grafik)
This sheild was carried by the mighty warrior Hrothgar Krohnssen. He claimed to be the son of Krohn himself, and possesed mighty strength. When a witch told him he was to be killed by an arrow, he had this shield constructed to protect him from that fate. Unfortunately, the arrow that killed him struck him from behind.

+ 30 AC vs. Missle weapons
Hubris Belt (Grafik) This belt was looted from the Chasm of the Dead, and is allegedly the belt that was worn by Emperor Hubris himself when he began to forge the Ursanian Empire. Some scholars believe that this belt helped him defeat the invaders and forge an empire.

+30 Might; Increased chance to hit target, of endurance, of protection, of armsmastery.
Weregild RingWeregild was created by Snorri the Dwarf as a wedding gift for his soon to be son-in-law. Unfortunately, another of his daughter's suitor's became jealous and stole the ring on the wedding night. In his rage, he cursed the ring, and gave it back to the newlyweds. Seeing through his deception, Snorri slew the suitor and cast the ring away.

+1000 gold per week. -40 party endurance
Ring (Grafik)
Soulband wasn't so much created as it was evolved from something else. It started it's life as a trinket worn by a small child who became possessed by a Revenant. Since that time it has passed from owner to owner, taking a little piece of them with when it passed to it's new owner.

+5 Light;+3 Meditiation +50 SP, of speed
Sturkabygel Ring (Grafik) Sturkabygel was looted from the dwarven town of Minespring when it was razed by Ichvan I in 75 AC. It was taken by one of his soldiers who went on to become one of his most prominent generals. After his death, it was kept in the family as an heirloom. It was taken from them by the Thjoradric Raiders during a raid of Heronport.

+10 Might; +5 endurance +100 HP
Lubricious Ring (Grafik) Some claim that Lubricious was actually made from these ingredients: the slip of a snake, the sly of a fox, and the nimbleness of a hare. It was given to Helga Gunnarsdotir by a salacious suitor. Not caring a whit for him, she promptly sold the ring.

+20 AC; +5 dodging -3% to Damage
The Green Man Amulet (Grafik) This amulet was a gift from The Green Man. Very few are blessed with a visit to The Green Man, and fewer still have a gift bestowed upon them for it.

+20 SP; +3 meditation +5 Light, +5 Spirit, of regeneration
Mountbatten Amulet (Grafik) This amulet was carried by the four mystical sages, Dirk, Stig, Nasty, and Barry. These four men had, for a time carried a message of peace and happiness to the Chedian, before they were chased out forever. In their hurry to go, they left this behind.

+5 Dark; +3 Perception, of amelioration, of lurking.
Pendant of the Spheres AmuletThis pendant was taken by Nazrim the Assassin from Verhoffin's Tower around 10 BC. Nazrim had been charged with slaying Verhoffin for his insolence towards the Ursanian Empire. Many think that it is that event, the attempted assassination of Verhoffin that caused the Great Cataclysm.

+5 All magic skills; +3 Learning +3 meditation
Fizbin of Misfortune Holy RelicThe Fizbin always seems to appear in the worst of times. Just when someone thinks things can't get any worse, they acquire the Fizbin. It's fame preceeds it, and most owners have a hard time getting rid of it.

Party Luck -20; chance of encounter +15%
Amulet (Grafik)
Beggers are often seen in the major towns of Chedian, and many complain to have any sort of adverse condition. Oftentimes, a healer would curse the begger with the affliction he claimed to have. One begger, Haelik the Diseased, created this amulet to protect himself from such healers.

Immune to all conditions, -3 learning, gain 85% of normal experience.
Fre's Heart Amulet (Grafik) This heart shaped amulet was created in honor of Fre, the goddess of Vita. It was last carried by D'vorna Life-Toucher, the Healer who travelled through Chedian healing it's inhabitants for exorborant prices. He was found stealing from the house of a rich merchant in Thjorgard, and was put to death. This ring was taken from him as payment for the things he stole.

+50 to HP; -10 SP, of regenerationfragile
Prize Gladius
Short Sword (Grafik)
During the Rise of the Old Ursanian Empire, there were great Gladiatorial Games held in honor of the current Emperor's feast-day. The greatest Gladiator of those games was honored with a set of armor and weapon. When he wore this prize all would know his greatness and would probably decide not to mess with him as well. Usable by Mercenary and Gladiator only.

+2 body building,+4 armsmaster (+ 40 to hit with complete set)
Prize Plate
Plate Armor (Grafik)
During the Rise of the Old Ursanian Empire, there were great Gladiatorial Games held in honor of the current Emperor's feast-day. The greatest Gladiator of those games was honored with a set of armor and weapon. When he wore this prize all would know his greatness and would probably decide not to mess with him as well. Usable by Mercenary and Gladiator only.

+2 body building,+4 might (+ 10 all stats w/complete set)
Prize Skullcap
During the Rise of the Old Ursanian Empire, there were great Gladiatorial Games held in honor of the current Emperor's feast-day. The greatest Gladiator of those games was honored with a set of armor and weapon. When he wore this prize all would know his greatness and would probably decide not to mess with him as well. Usable by Mercenary and Gladiator only.

+2 body building,+2 armor (Of Regenereration with complete set.)
Prize Ring
Ring (Grafik)
During the Rise of the Old Ursanian Empire, there were great Gladiatorial Games held in honor of the current Emperor's feast-day. The greatest Gladiator of those games was honored with a set of armor and weapon. When he wore this prize all would know his greatness and would probably decide not to mess with him as well. Usable by Mercenary and Gladiator only.

+2 body building,+2 learning (+10 all resistances with complete set)
Prize Shield
During the Rise of the Old Ursanian Empire, there were great Gladiatorial Games held in honor of the current Emperor's feast-day. The greatest Gladiator of those games was honored with a set of armor and weapon. When he wore this prize all would know his greatness and would probably decide not to mess with him as well. Usable by Mercenary and Gladiator only.

+2 body building,+2 dodge (Spry * with complete set)
Broderick's Two-handed Sword
Two-handed Sword (Grafik)
There is a myth of a great Holy Warrior named Broderick, who was charged by the Gods to destroy the demon Nodens for them. With his mighty sword he destroyed the demon and presented the Gods with the trophy of the demon's ugly head. The Gods were so pleased they infused his weapon and armor with a little of their power to protect him. This is thought to be the very sword he used to kill the great beast. Usable by Crusader and Paladin only.

+2 blade,+2 learning (+ 40 to hit with complete set)
Broderick's Hauberk Chain Armor (Grafik) There is a myth of a great Holy Warrior named Broderick, who was charged by the Gods to destroy the demon Nodens for them. With his mighty sword he destroyed the demon and presented the Gods with the trophy of the demon's ugly head. The Gods were so pleased they infused his weapon and armor with a little of their power to protect him. This is thought to be the very armor he wore. Usable by Crusader and Paladin only.

+2 blade,+2 armor (+ 10 all resistances w/complete set)
Broderick's Helm
Helm (Grafik)
There is a myth of a great Holy Warrior named Broderick, who was charged by the Gods to destroy the demon Nodens for them. With his mighty sword he destroyed the demon and presented the Gods with the trophy of the demon's ugly head. The Gods were so pleased they infused his weapon and armor with a little of their power to protect him. This is thought to be the very armor he wore. Usable by Crusader and Paladin only.

+2 blade,+2 Might (Of Regenereration with complete set.)
Broderick's Gloves
Gloves (Grafik)
There is a myth of a great Holy Warrior named Broderick, who was charged by the Gods to destroy the demon Nodens for them. With his mighty sword he destroyed the demon and presented the Gods with the trophy of the demon's ugly head. The Gods were so pleased they infused his weapon and armor with a little of their power to protect him. These are thought to be the very gloves he wore. Usable by Crusader and Paladin only.

+2 blade,+2 Vita (+10 all stats with complete set)
Broderick's Amulet
Amulet (Grafik)
There is a myth of a great Holy Warrior named Broderick, who was charged by the Gods to destroy the demon Nodens for them. With his mighty sword he destroyed the demon and presented the Gods with the trophy of the demon's ugly head. The Gods were so pleased they infused his weapon and armor with a little of their power to protect him. This is thought to be the very amulet he wore. Usable by Crusader and Paladin only.

+2 blade,+2 Armsmaster (of Arms Mastery with complete set)
Death Hammer
Hammer (Grafik)
Followers of Skraelos, when they reached the highest state of communion with him, were awarded objects to show their status. No scholar has reached this status in many years, but the objects still exist (having been stolen from the Skraelene vaults most likely). This probably belonged to one of those great Scholars. Usable by Scholar and Lich only.

+2 Dark,+2 armsmaster (of Death with complete set)
Death Cuirass
Leather Armor (Grafik)
Followers of Skraelos, when they reached the highest state of communion with him, were awarded objects to show their status. No scholar has reached this status in many years, but the objects still exist (having been stolen from the Skraelene vaults most likely). This probably belonged to one of those great Scholars. Usable by Scholar and Lich only.

+2 Dark,+2 Meditation (+ 10 all resistances w/complete set)
Death Cap
Helm (Grafik)
Followers of Skraelos, when they reached the highest state of communion with him, were awarded objects to show their status. No scholar has reached this status in many years, but the objects still exist (having been stolen from the Skraelene vaults most likely). This probably belonged to one of those great Scholars. Usable by Scholar and Lich only.

+2 Dark,+2 Learning (Of Jajarb with complete set.)
Death Ring
Ring (Grafik)
Followers of Skraelos, when they reached the highest state of communion with him, were awarded objects to show their status. No scholar has reached this status in many years, but the objects still exist (having been stolen from the Skraelene vaults most likely). This probably belonged to one of those great Scholars. Usable by Scholar and Lich only.

+2 Dark,+2 elemental (+10 all stats with complete set)
Death Boots
Boots (Grafik)
Followers of Skraelos, when they reached the highest state of communion with him, were awarded objects to show their status. No scholar has reached this status in many years, but the objects still exist (having been stolen from the Skraelene vaults most likely). This probably belonged to one of those great Scholars. Usable by Scholar and Lich only.

+2 Dark,+2 ID Monster (+20 to speed with complete set)
Fre's Smooth MaceHundred's of years ago, the Priests of Ratatosk had their own smiths. These smiths forged weapons and armor to protect the priests when they accompanied the Crusaders on their Holy Wars. There would probably have been a lot fewer priests around if this had not been done. Usable by Healer and Priest only.

+2 Light,+2 Might (of Body with complete set)
Fre's Ring
Hundred's of years ago, the Priests of Ratatosk had their own smiths. These smiths forged weapons and armor to protect the priests when they accompanied the Crusaders on their Holy Wars. There would probably have been a lot fewer priests around if this had not been done. Usable by Healer and Priest only.

+2 Light,+2 Spirit (+10 all stats with complete set)
Fre's Helm
Helm (Grafik)
Hundred's of years ago, the Priests of Ratatosk had their own smiths. These smiths forged weapons and armor to protect the priests when they accompanied the Crusaders on their Holy Wars. There would probably have been a lot fewer priests around if this had not been done. Usable by Healer and Priest only.

+2 Light,+2 Meditation (+ 10 all resistances w/complete set)
Fre's Gloves
Hundred's of years ago, the Priests of Ratatosk had their own smiths. These smiths forged weapons and armor to protect the priests when they accompanied the Crusaders on their Holy Wars. There would probably have been a lot fewer priests around if this had not been done. Usable by Healer and Priest only.

+2 Light,+2 Repair Item (of Repair item 3 with complete set)
Fre's Chain Boots
Boots (Grafik)
Hundred's of years ago, the Priests of Ratatosk had their own smiths. These smiths forged weapons and armor to protect the priests when they accompanied the Crusaders on their Holy Wars. There would probably have been a lot fewer priests around if this had not been done. Usable by Healer and Priest only.

+2 Light,+2 speed (+20 to speed with complete set)

Letztes Update:  03.03.2007

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